IRCCS INRCA – National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (Istituto Nazionale di Ricovero e Cura per Anziani) is a public elder care provider based in three Italian Regions (Lombardy in the North, Marche in the Centre
and Calabria in the South). It is organized in the form of geriatric hospitals, residential care facilities, an Alzheimer day care centre and multidisciplinary scientific and technology research units.

Anziani e non solo is a non-profit organization working since 2004 in the field of social innovation, with a specific focus on management of projects and realization of services and products in the field of welfare and social inclusion.

The association CENTRO MUSICALE ORLANDINI (ACMO) is a cultural association. It was founded in 2011 with the aim of spreading musical culture, teaching music and music-based arts, providing children, teenagers and adults with the chance for socialization, personal growth and lifelong learning, for enriching the cultural offer of the territory, encouraging
the sense of belonging to the community and boosting the inclusion of all subjects, especially those at greatest risk of marginalization.

PIANPENOTE SRL, commercially known as Scoala de Pian by Lena Napradean is a limited liability company organization founded in 2020. Its main goal is providing piano lessons for individuals and groups of any age, covering a
specific curriculum designed by its founder and covering a well-rounded musical education through the use of the piano.

Eurocarers brings together 73 carers’ organisations as well as relevant universities & research institutes from 26 countries – a unique combination that enables evidence-based advocacy. Our collective efforts seek to ensure that the existing and growing care needs of the European population are addressed in a universal and equitable way and that the essential contribution of unpaid/informal carers in the provision of care is valued, recognised and supported in order to prevent the negative impact of care on carers themselves.

was created in 2007 with the aim to contribute to the development of adult education. Habilitas delivers professional adult training and counselling services in social, psychological and educational projects and programs.

Associação – Sons do Estaminé is a private non-profit cultural association, which has been developing, throughout its existence, relevant active work in the area of musical culture and performing arts, with a strong social component, specifically focusing on inclusion through culture and creativity, and working with diverse groups.