Ioana Caciula
Psychologist, trainer and vocational counsellor
Ioana has a Master studies in Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapy and in Developmental Psychology (University Paris 10, France – 2010), and PhD in Psychology at University of Bucharest, with a research theme on old age. She initiated the first study on elder abuse in Eastern Europe – “Recognition of elder abuse by older people and home caregivers in Romania”, which was published in “International Psychogeriatrics” – in January 2010. She also published several research papers in different scientific journals (such as the European Journal of Psychiatry, 2019) and book chapters (such as the chapter ‘Elder Abuse in Romania: Work in Progress’ in the ‘International Handbook of Elder Abuse and Mistreatment’, Springer, Singapore, 2020). She participated in the Leonardo da Vinci projects IQEA, IDECO, AmiCo and ELMI as Habilitas Association researcher/trainer, and coordinates from Habilitas Association the Erasmus Plus projects.

Rodica Leontina Caciula
Dlivering training for professionals, working with seniors, counseling in social programs and organizational management.
Mrs. Caciula has more than 20 years of experience in project management (different types of programmes: Phare, UNICEF, UNESCO, etc). She has been project manager of the ELMI (Enhancing Labor Market Integration of Elderly Family Carers through Skills Improving) project – a Leonardo da Vinci ToI project (2014-2016) coordinated by Habilitas, project manager of “Seniors – Resources in the Community: Volunteering at Third Age” project,
financed from EEA Grants 2009-2014 and coordinated by Habilitas, and project manager of “Through Seniors’ Eyes” project. She coordinated Habilitas activities in the projects “SES – Economical and Social Support for Vulnerable Persons”, having as beneficiary ONPHR and financed form structural funds, and in the project “SenioriNET”, having as beneficiary Confederatia Caritas Romania and financed from the Swiss Funds. She developed partnerships with central and local authorities and coordinated social services for elderly. Also, mrs. Caciula coordinated the project of creating the
Counselling Office for Citizens (BCC) Drobeta Turnu Severin, financed in the program Phare – the Development of Civil Society 2003-2004, and in 2004-2005 she coordinated the project of Consolidation of the Counselling Office for Citizens (BCC) Drobeta Turnu Severin and extension of its activity in Orsova through a mobile Counselling Office for Citizens (BCC).