The Multiplier final Event of the European study ‘SOUND’ (, a non- pharmacological intervention for dementia based on music funded by the EU programme Erasmus+ and coordinated by Dott.ssa Sara Santini belonging to the National Institute of Health and Science on Aging-
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Si è svolto il 14 maggio 2024, presso il Teatrino del Piano, ad Ancona, l’evento conclusivo dello studio europeo “SOUND”, un intervento non farmacologico per la demenza basato sulla musica finanziato dal programma comunitario Erasmus+ e coordinato dall’Istituto di ricovero e cura
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The experimental phase of SOUND method will begin shortly! The interventionwill be implementedin Italy, in an Alzheimer day-care centre, and in Portugal and Romania, in older people care facilities hosting people with dementia, involving a total of 45 people with dementia and
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SOUND training pilot phase has been successfully completed. The training took place between June and July 2023 in Italy, Portugal and Romania, involving health workers and musicians (29 people in Italy,17 in Portugal and Romania), who got to learn about and put
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