On April 26 and 27, the European partners of the Erasmus+ SOUND project gathered in Ancona for two intensive days of planning and training on the project’s methodology. The exchange of ideas and opinions allowed the partnership to end the meeting ready
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The SOUND project (training SOcial and health care professionals in mUsic-based therapeutic iNterventions to support older people with Dementia) was launched in February 2022 under the coordination of IRCCS/INRCA represented by Dr. Sara Santini, Researcher at the Centre for Economic and Social
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SOUND is an Erasmus+ funded project which aims to develop a training curriculum of active and passive music-making activities targeted at social and healthcare professionals and informal carers involved in dementia care. The project also aims to produce an original music-based nonpharmacological intervention
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GIOVEDI’ 28 APRILE | 9:00-13.00PRESSO LA SEDE DELL’ACMO, VIA DI PIETRALACROCE 32, ANCONA INFORMAZIONISara Santini (responsabile scientifico del progetto SOUND):Tel: 328 6191298 | e-mail: s.santini2@inrca.it ISCRIZIONIClaudia Carletti 347 4857770 10 POSTI DISPONIBILIISCRIZIONI ENTRO IL 26 APRILE